Terms & conditions
Terms and conditions (AGB)
The term "hut" includes the guardian and all employees of the Glecksteinhut.
Reservation and cancellation
Not everything can always be planned in the mountains and we have understanding of postponements and cancellations. Nevertheless, we expect your information about booking deviations. It is up to the guest to inform the Glecksteinhut about changes to the planned tour or group size and about cancellations.
- A reservation is binding in both, written and oral form. It only comes valid through confirmation. The General Terms and Conditions come into force with each confirmed reservation.
- Cancellations, changes in group size and reservations must be reported, at the latest by 10 a.m. on the day of the booked overnight stay. For groups of 8 or more people, the cancellation must be made by 8 p.m. the evening before or according to the special agreements.
- Cancellations and changes will only be accepted by the hut after confirmation. Short-term cancellations and changes must therefore always be made by phone.
- Changes in group size that are not reported and reported too late, as well as absence without cancellation are subject to compensation. The hut is entitled to invoice the full amount of accommodation and meals.
- Disputes regarding the compensation of reservations must be submitted to the lawyer of the SAC Central Executive Board for assessment at first instance.
ID required
- Member tariffs are only granted upon presentation of a valid ID. Only the reciprocal rights of the current SAC / UIAA list applie. (see guidelines of the Swiss Alpine Club SAC, Article 4)
- Special tariffs require the appropriate and valid legitimation (children and adolescents, hut pass SAC etc.)
- Free overnight stays for mountain guide and mountain guide aspirants in the exercise of their profession are only granted upon presentation of the valid IVBV ID card and a membership card in accordance with point 6. (see hut regulations of the Swiss Alpine Club SAC, article 5.6.5)
Prices and payment
- All prices are in Swiss Francs (CHF) when paying cash, VAT (VAT) and visitor's tax included.
- Invoicing is only possible for organizations with a corresponding agreement. Payment must be made in CHF. Bank charges are at the expense of the customer. Terms of payment, net after reception of the invoice. A default interest of 3% is due after 30 days.
- Price changes remain reserved.
- The hut is entitled to request a down payment.
Disclaimer of liability
- All written and oral information provided by the hut (e.g. tour conditions, avalanche situation, route information, weather etc.) is given with the greatest care and to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, the hut does not guarantee this.
All decisions regarding tours, routes etc. are the responsibility of the guest. The hut assumes no liability for damage of any kind that may arise for the guest from the use of this information and advice. - All alpine trails as well as stairs, ladders and climbing gardens require corresponding technical and physical conditions. Their use is the sole responsibility of the guest. Liability on the part of those responsible for the hut is excluded.
Copyright / data protection
- All image and text content on the homepage as well as postcards and other print media from the hut are protected by copyright.
- The hut does not pass on data from guests.
Glecksteinhut, March 2020