Half board
Most of our guests book their half-board accommodation. In addition to dinner, this also includes breakfast and a liter of march tea.
Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m.
- 87.00 CHF from 18 years
- 63.50 CHF from 16 to 17 years
- 57.00 CHF from 11 to 15 years
- 47.00 CHF from 6 to 10 years
- 10.00 CHF under 6 years
- 97.00 CHF from 18 years
- 73.50 CHF from 16 to 17 years
- 67.00 CHF from 11 to 15 years
- 57.00 CHF from 6 to 10 years
- 20.00 CHF under 6 years
valid also in the winter room
- 46.00 CHF from 18 years
- 22.50 CHF from 6 to 17 years
- 10.00 CHF under 6 years
- 56.00 CHF from 18 years
- 32.50 CHF from 6 to 17 years
- 20.00 CHF under 6 years

Members of the Swiss Alpine Club as well as members of Alpine clubs with reciprocal rights benefit from a discounted rate.
Switzerland | AACBa | Akademischer Alpenclub Basel |
AACB | Akademischer Alpenclub Bern | |
CAAG | Clup Alpin Académique Genève | |
AACZ | Akademischer Alpenclub Zürich | |
FAT | Federazione Alpinistica Ticinese | |
Germany | DAV | Deutscher Alpenverein |
Austria | OeAV | Oesterreichischer Alpenverein |
Spain | FEDME | Federacion Española de Deportes de Montaña |
France | CAF | Clup Alpin Français |
STD | Société des Touristes du Dauphiné | |
Italy | CAI | Club Alpino Italiano |
AVS | Alpenverein Südtirol | |
Slovenia | PZS | Planinska Zveza Slovenije |
Netherlands | NKBV | Niederlandse Klim- en Bergsport Vereniging |
Belgium | CAV | Club Alpin Belge |
Luxembourg | GAL | Groupe Alpin Luxembourgeois |
Liechtenstein | LAV | Liechtensteiner Alpenverein |
Great Britain | AC | Alpine Club |

- 71.60 CHF from 23 years
- 56.30 CHF from 16 to 22 years
- 49.80 CHF from 11 to 15 years
- 39.80 CHF from 6 to 10 years
- 10.00 CHF under 6 years
- 41.00 CHF for mountain guides and aspirants with at least one paying guest.

- 81.60 CHF from 23 years
- 66.30 CHF from 16 to 22 years
- 59.80 CHF from 11 to 15 years
- 49.80 CHF from 6 to 10 years
- 20.00 CHF under 6 years
- 41.00 CHF for mountain guides and aspirants with at least one paying guest.

valid also in the winter room
- 30.60 CHF from 23 years
- 15.30 CHF from 6 to 22 years
- 10.00 CHF under 6 years
- Free for mountain guides and aspirants with at least one paying guest.

- 40.60 CHF from 23 years
- 25.30 CHF from 6 to 22 years
- 20.00 CHF under 6 years
- Free for mountain guides and aspirants with at least one paying guest.
Cash is King...
Cash payment is our preferred method of payment. Whenever possible, we therefore ask you to pay with notes and coins.
All prices include fees and VAT.
Cash is king
Preferably Swiss francs, but we also accept euros at the daily rate. Change in Swiss francs.
We accept many different cards. Even twinting is now possible. We grit our teeth and pay the fees.
On account is only possible after prior agreement. Usually only for mountaineering schools.